Case Studies

Creation and Execution of Stakeholder Communication & Engagement Strategy for Transformational Federal Program

Stakeholder Communication and Engagement Strategy case study banner

Evans was asked by a large Federal agency to develop and implement a plan to increase stakeholder awareness about, and engagement in, a key program critical to the agency’s overall goals.

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The Challenge

The benefits of Federal investments in an advanced data-sharing program would not be realized without stakeholder participation. The agency needed a strategy to increase awareness among internal and external stakeholders about the program and the value the new capabilities offered.

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The Solution

Evans led a multi-pronged effort to establish a positive program brand and build relationships with stakeholders to accelerate program use:

  • Developed an outreach roadmap that guided collaborative efforts of a core planning team
  • Analyzed stakeholder needs and developed key messaging and collateral including a website to convey clear messages, tailored to audience needs
  • Facilitated stakeholder engagement forums that leveraged participant strengths and fostered collaborative strategy planning and execution
  • Developed relationships with customers and integrated the “Voice of the Customer” across outreach activities
  • Participated in conferences and other information-sharing events, and conducted media outreach, to expand visibility and recognition of the program brand among stakeholders.

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Outcomes Achieved

This outreach effort was a resounding success. Awareness about the program increased dramatically, as reflected by a 76% increase in visits to the program website in just one year and major growth in the presence of the program brand. Whereas a Google search of the program yielded very few results in the two years prior to the outreach effort, after one year of outreach the client reached over a million consumers through articles published in trade and scientific journals, high profile newspapers, and industry magazines.

Evans also provided leadership for innovative outreach forums planned in collaboration with partners who share in efforts to tell the program story. For example, a recent three-day interactive event – planned with more than 85 individual stakeholders and nearly 40 public and private partners – reached almost 800 stakeholders. This successful, multi-pronged outreach approach continues to be an integral component of program operations.