
7 Reasons Why Strategic Success Depends on Leadership Growth

When engaging in the strategic planning process, leaders are often faced with the challenge of focusing on more expansive thinking, planning, and communicating within the organization. As the vision of the company evolves, so must the leadership capacity of those striving to achieve it. This implies that status quo as a leader is not an option. Growth as leaders individually, and the collective maturity of you’re your leadership team, will be key to successfully realization of your organization’s vision.

At the outset of the strategy formulation, it is especially fruitful at this phase that leaders dedicate the time and resources to assess their leadership strengths and where they might have room for growth. Creating space at the individual and team level through coaching and leadership development can be the often elusive elixir to ultimately realizing your strategy through execution. Optimizing the leadership capacity of your organization will have a cascading effect through management and staff because leadership development builds trust, engages and empowers employees, emphasizes intentional communication, and contributes to an overall healthier culture. Leaders who are committed to continuous learning and growth are more capable of cultivating a human capital base that is aligned your vision and strategic goals.

Here are seven compelling reasons why investing in leadership development through individual and team coaching is a worthwhile endeavor to support strategic planning and implementation:

  1. Taking the time will ultimately save you time: It’s OK to set aside time for your own leadership growth and development. Being a servant-leader is crucial to building trust within your team. To best serve your organization, you must continue to learn how to build leadership capacity within yourself and in others.
  2. Going alone is not an option: Even if you design the best strategy you’re capable of, it will ultimately be limited by the collective will and ability of your organization to carry it out. Working with a coach will give you an engaged “thinking partner” to empower you to be your best and discover opportunities to work with others.
  3. Co-creation is the answer: Your willingness to co-create solutions with others indicates that you understand the value of partnership to drive team success. Leadership development and coaching is essential for the co-creative mindset.
  4. Purposeful communication garners engagement: When it comes time to direct your team, consider the impact of your words before you say them. Remember the “3 Cs” at the top of everyone’s mind as they read or hear your words:
    • Context – Why this? Why me? Why now?
    • Clarity – What does this mean? What do I have to do? How should I do it?
    • Collaboration – Who am I going to be working with? Who is leading? Who do I go to for support?
  5. Self-awareness is essential to build trust: Learning more about your leadership tendencies, competencies and growth opportunities will help you “show up” as the leader you want to be in every situation.
  6. You must be accountable to yourself before others: To fulfill high leadership standards, you must always follow through on what you say you are going to do. You need an “accountability partner” to keep you on target. A leadership coach will provide that for you.
  7. Capacity-building sustains success: Looking for a great return on investment? Invest in yourself! You will grow in your ability to develop leaders within your team and organization. Your emergence as a “coach-leader” will create a pipeline of confident and competent leaders.

To find out more about how Evans’ human-centered approach to strategy can enrich you and your organization, please contact Jesse Lambert, Principal & Strategic Planning Practice Lead, at or (703) 969-9680.